We believe that Scripture teaches the importance of being a member of a local church. Christians are not meant to walk alone but alongside other believers. Church membership is how we formally recognize and commit to love our brothers and sisters in Christ.

NHCC offers membership classes. If you are interested, please speak with one of our pastors for more information, or send us questions through the contact form.

Church Covenant

1. As disciples called by God’s grace to repentance and faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we earnestly and joyfully renew our covenant with one another.

2. We commit to walk together in Christian love to foster one another’s union and joy in Christ through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

3. We commit to gather regularly for corporate worship, Bible study, and fellowship, so that we may preserve and practice sound doctrine.

4. We commit to uphold and observe the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper for believers.

5. We commit to be united under the headship of Christ, to obey our Lord by remaining in His Word and living out our faith, and to build up one another as we eagerly wait for His return.

6. We commit to pray faithfully for each other, to rejoice in each other’s happiness, and with Christ’s compassion, bear one another’s burdens and sorrows.

7. We commit to being slow to anger but quick to forgive, and when needed, endeavor to restore and renew one another in love through discipline.

8. We commit to give offering honorably, cheerfully, and regularly to the Lord, so that He may use it for His ministry to carry out the Great Commission through our church.

9. We commit to passionately strive to advance God’s kingdom by leading holy lives, seeking and sharing the gospel with the lost and contending against all things that lead to moral and spiritual decay.

10. We commit, in the event we move on from this church, to do our best to unite with another church as quickly as possible, so that we may carry out the spirit of this covenant and the teachings of God’s Word.

11. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Amen!